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Environmental & Temperature Devices

WinDIAS 3 Entry Level Digital Leaf Area Meter

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Special device from Easy Test

The recently upgraded WinDIAS 3 Leaf Image Analysis System provides fast, accurate measurement of leaf area and leaf features – making it ideal for plant pathology and phenotyping applications. WinDIAS’s analysis features are well suited to applications where precise color discrimination is critical.

The WinDIAS 3 leaf area measurement system builds on that expertise, making use of high-resolution camera and scanner technology to provide researchers with an analysis tool that is powerful and yet easy to use.

The WinDIAS system is available in three versions – Entry Level System (with A4 scanner), Standard System (with video camera), and Rapid System (which adds a conveyor belt unit, and can process up to 800 leaves an hour).

For reporting and further analysis, all results and images from WinDIAS are easily exchanged with other Windows applications.

Rapid thresholding: Three thresholds can be set, each based on a different user-defined range of colors. The primary threshold is used for the main zones of interest in the image, e.g. healthy areas. The secondary and tertiary thresholds are used for other zones, e.g. diseased or variegated areas. Thresholds are set by a simple point and click with the mouse in a region of interest. The areas selected are immediately visible as overlays on the image.

Measurement and editing: WinDIAS analyses the thresholded regions to measure area, perimeter, length, width, circularity, elongation and shape factor. Calibration is carried out against a ruler. Images can be edited on-screen, enabling the user to retouch boundaries, separate objects that overlap, remove undesirable “noise” and holes, add or erase lines or rectangles, and fill bounded areas in any color.

Object count: Seeds, needles, or other small objects can be quickly counted by WinDIAS (even when touching). Color thresholding enables easy discrimination of different types of object, or disease spots. Dust and debris can be excluded by defining a minimum object area.

Exchange of data and images: WinDIAS imports images in bmp, jpg and tif formats, and results can be saved as txt files for easy import into Excel. For reporting and further analysis, all results and images from WinDIAS are easily exchanged with other Windows applications.

Fast batch processing of image files: WinDIAS can automatically analyze large numbers of leaf images by operating as a virtual conveyor. This feature saves a great deal of time when processing images acquired in the field or when sent in for processing from a remote research lab. Images in bmp, jpg, or tif format are all suitable for processing.

Batch processing mode is simple to use – just select the folder holding the target images. WinDIAS will then automatically load each image in turn, measure it, and save the results back into the same folder.

Upgrading Older Systems

Software Upgrades
Customers using older version of WinDIAS software can upgrade to the new version FREE OF CHARGE (requires USB Copy Protection Dongle that came with the original software) Software download page.

Hardware Upgrades
Older WinDIAS systems may include components, such as the camera stand and conveyor, that are compatible with the new lighting and camera accessories. Please contact Dynamax for guidance before ordering hardware upgrades.


  • Advanced leaf area meter
  • Measures area, perimeter, length, width, object count and more
  • Measures diseased, healthy and pest-damaged leaf area
  • Point and click color selection
  • Conveyor option for high speed leaf processing
  • LED lighting with adjustable brightness
  • Improved seed counting capability
  • Enhanced Area of Interest drawing too
Throughput (leaves/hour)~50 (typical, depends on leaf size)
ResolutionTypically >1000 dpi
Minimum object size~ 0.02 mm
Maximum sample area297 x 210 mm (A4)
area measurement[1]
± 1% typical
diseased/healthy area
contrast dependent
long leaf mode
not applicable
Color depthWinDIAS works in 24 bit color space (16 million colors)
Image file formats.jpg, .bmp and .tif
Operating system and driversWindows: XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32 & 64 bit)
static measurements
against an object of known length, e.g. a ruler
conveyor measurements
not applicable
Conveyor belt speedsnot applicable
Image file formats.jpg, .bmp and .tif (WinDIAS is compatible with many scanners and cameras that are TWAIN compliant)
Operating system and driversWindows 7, 8 and 10 (32 and 64 bit)
Throughput (leaves/hour)~150
Resolution2048 x 1536 pixels
Minimum object size1 pixel
Maximum sample area300 x 295 mm
area measurement[1]
± 4% typical
diseased/healthy area
contrast dependent
long leaf mode
not applicable
Color depthWinDIAS works in 24 bit color space (16 million colors)
Image file formats.jpg, .bmp and .tif
Operating system and driversWindows: XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32 & 64 bit)
static measurements
against an object of known length, e.g. a ruler
conveyor measurements
not applicable
Conveyor belt speedsnot applicable
Image file formats.jpg, .bmp and .tif (WinDIAS is compatible with many scanners and cameras that are TWAIN compliant)
Operating system and driversWindows 7, 8 and 10 (32 and 64 bit)
Throughput (leaves/hour)~800
Resolution1280 x 1024 pixels
Minimum object size1 pixel
Maximum sample area250 x 290 mm (conveyor)
250 x >1000 mm (long leaf mode)
area measurement[1]
± 4% typical
diseased/healthy area
contrast dependent
long leaf mode
± 5% typical
Color depthWinDIAS works in 24 bit color space (16 million colors)
Image file formats.jpg, .bmp and .tif
Operating system and driversWindows: XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32 & 64 bit)
static measurements
against a ruler
conveyor measurements
against a target of known area
Conveyor belt speeds60/100/140/190 mm/s (20% faster for 60 Hz model)
Image file formats.jpg, .bmp and .tif (WinDIAS is compatible with many scanners and cameras that are TWAIN compliant)
Operating system and driversWindows 7, 8 and 10 (32 and 64 bit)

Product Specifications

Dimensions.. × .. cm

Files to download

  • WinDIAS 3 Entry Level Digital Leaf Area Download

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