Environmental & Temperature Devices

GM1361 Humidity & Temperature Meter

Brand: Benetech
2,750 EGP

Special device from Easy Test


Humidity & Temperature Meter GM1361

  • This unit features stable performance, reliable safety, low power consumption and high precision,
  • be widely applied in the fields of manufacturing, laboratory, logistics, food and hygiene, 
  • air-conditioning engineering and environment protection.

detachable temperature and humidity meter possesses the following features:

1.Can record 999 sets of data

2.℃/℉ conversion

3.Data retention


5.K-type thermocouple test

6.Large screen dual display

7.Upper/lower alarm setting

8.Humidity data correction

9.Automatic/manual shutdown

Product Specifications

Dimensions.. × .. cm

Files to download

  • GM1361 Humidity & Temperature Meter Download

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